outdoor yoga at the most Amazing spot in the algarve
As far as I am concerned, yoga is the healthiest way to work on our body, organs and brain, every exercise contributes to a healthy, balanced body. Yoga balances and activates the self-healing power in our body. The yoga postures also activate the muscles that we hardly use in everyday life, stretch the muscles that are under tension every day and massage our organs. We release the energetic blockages by concentrating on the exercises (asana) and by controlling the breathing (pranayama).
According to the more than two thousand years old Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, yoga literally means: Yoga is stopping the changes in the mind. Yoga cannot be separated from proper breathing and any form of meditation.
In 1999 I graduated as an Integral Yoga Teacher and I am using postures from different yoga movements combined with pranayama and short meditations.
yoga for seniors
I have created special yoga programs for seniors and golfers and would like to teach you the most important exercises. It’s not about how beautiful and elegant it looks, it’s about getting as much good out of the exercises as possible within your own boundaries. If you have ailments, we will discuss them first, I will then completely adjust the program to your condition. Of course you can also set goals.
Yoga for Golfers
Today’s professional golfers go to the gym and work on their nutrition, and many meditate and visualise. Also for club golfers it is important to be fit and to avoid injuries during a round of golf. Unfortunately, many people mainly have problems with their back and neck.
As you get older, your swing will feel a bit rustier and if you play golf without proper warming up, the injuries are lurking. When you doe the Yoga for Golfers exercises, you will prevent yourself a lot better against injuries and will feel great all together.