Talking about death has been a taboo for centuries. I think this is a pity because death is an important part of life, just like birth, although the difference is that most of the time we look forward to a birth.
I can talk with you about death. about your wishes, what we can do beforehand and how you would like things to be arranged afterwards. If you do not want to be resuscitated after a brain haemorrhage, heart attack or accident or if you don’t want to be kept alive as a greenhouse plant, you must record this in an advance directive as long as you are still competent. Also if you do not want to go through life as paralyzed or handicapped. In a living will you put on paper which medical treatments you want or do not want. You can state in your advance directive that you do not want resuscitation if your heart has stopped and that you want euthanasia in a situation where unbearable suffering is hopeless. It is important that partners know this from each other and that the GP is also aware of this.
Sometimes the partner of the person who dies cannot access the bank accounts, so arrange this in time so that the partner is not left unaware.
Why? Why was this person taken from me? Why does this have to happen to me? We were going to grow old together! Or you wonder about the death of a child. Why so young? Why? It didn’t even have the chance to be a child!
Losing a loved one evokes so many emotions and often you can only stare in front of you or get very angry. Grief processing brings so many questions and hurts so much.
If there are children involved in a death, they are the ones who will ask you the questions. Those who, like you, don’t understand you and find it unfair, should be put at ease. And this while you yourself feel such grief and can hardly bear the pain.
How do you pick up the thread again in all cases and how do you learn to deal with the loss. How can you truly reassure your heart and ever open it again? How do you deal with arranging practical matters? I would like to help you bring out the power that is in you again. Your Inner Power, your true I will get you back on track and give you back the love for yourself and life.
After a death, a lot comes down to the next of kin. Initially a lot of grief and loss, but things also need to be settled. Tax and financial matters, but also possibly applying for an ANW benefit (General Dependents Act). Is there a will? Are there assets abroad and in whose name are they? Is anyone staying behind in the house? Can this person continue to live here? All questions that I can help the relatives with.
Is there disagreement between the surviving heirs? As a mediator I can guide you all so that it becomes a nice farewell in all areas.