Everyone has the right to be happy! That’s sometimes easier said than done because what if you are deep down terribly unhappy? What if you feel literally not good in your own skin or in the right skin. What is the reason?
How can you be unhappy when in the eyes of others you have everything? Is it you, your partner, family or someone else or is it a situation or event and maybe even in the past? What if you think that everything is your fault, that everyone is against you? And what if you know what you want and have tried everything but it doesn’t work?
Then you can seek help as you are doing now by landing on this page. You have it all in you but gradually you just can’t reach there anymore. It feels like you’ve lost yourself. Let me help you. It shows strength to seek help!
Let me help you
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Are you stuck in disputes about your relationship, children, business, disease or death wish? Don’t think of an expensive lawsuit first. There is a good chance that a trained mediator can help you.
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Dementia - Stroke - Aphasia
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trauma - Depression - Anxiety
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Breathing - meditation
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We live a lot in our minds
Our brains use 20% of our oxygen and up to 30% of our energy. No wonder we are sometimes totally exhausted. Do you have moments in a day when you don’t think at all and do you think about it when you think and why? Do you realize what your thoughts can do to you? How tremendously powerful are they? The Japanese scientist Dr. Masaru Emoto has done a study on how water crystals react to outside influences (see photo and video). And to think that we consist of 80% water….
Dr. Masaru Emoto's Water Molecule Experiments
Sometimes setbacks are just bad luck and we have accepted them and deal with them, sometimes they come to shake us up and take us out of our comfort zone, a sign that it is time to take a closer look at our lives.
‘The past has passed, you can start all over again at any time!’
Happiness is in you
Happiness is not in what someone else thinks of you, what you have, what you look like, how intelligent you are or how much money or influence you have. Happiness is a state of mind, it is in you and has always been there. It is your birthright to enjoy it to the full.
Why not feel good NOW and be happy? The beauty is that if you are happy, others feel this and love to be with you!
Ethical code
As a therapist I naturally adhere to the ethical code, the ethical conditions and rules. My work with my clients is based on Integrity, Impartiality and Respect. What we discuss remains between us.